I need to calculate the best scorer(player_id
/ player_name
) per game_id
. As you can see below, I have three cases:
I have tried to make a query to give me the game_id
, player_name
, player_id
of the best scorer per game but without success. Here is my query:
select j.id as game_id,jg.id as player_id, jg.nome s player_name,
count(g.id) as numberOfGoals,
RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY j.id ORDER BY count(g.id) ) as rank
from jogo j
inner join jogo_jogador jj on jj.jogo_id = j.id
inner join golo g on g.jogo_jogador_id = jj.id
inner join equipa_jogador ej on ej.id = jj.equipa_jogador_id
inner join jogador jg on jg.id = ej.jogador_id
group by jg.id, jg.nome, j.id
order by j.id, jg.nome, jg.id;
This is what I currently get:
insert into tbl(game_id player_id player_name numberofgoals rank)
(1 , 1 ,'Marco Costa' ,1 ,1),
(1 , 4 ,'Olivier Marques',1 ,1),
(2 , 1 ,'Marco Costa' ,1 ,1),
(3 , 9 ,'Ilidio Vatuva' ,2 ,2),
(3 ,10 ,'Joaquim Barros' ,1 ,1),
(4 ,11 ,'Diogo Mendonça' ,2 ,4),
(4 ,10 ,'Joaquim Barros' ,1 ,1),
(4 ,14 ,'John Smith' ,1 ,1),
(4 ,12 ,'Mário Jorge' ,1 ,1),
(5 , 7 ,'Ricardo Pereira',1 ,1),
(6 , 8 ,'Danilo Barbosa' ,1 ,1),
(6 , 9 ,'Ilidio Vatuva' ,1 ,1),
(6 ,19 ,'Micael Pereira' ,1 ,1),
(6 ,18 ,'Ricardo Bateiro',2 ,4),
(7 , 8 ,'Danilo Barbosa' ,3 ,1),
(9 , 8 ,'Danilo Barbosa' ,1 ,1),
(9 , 2 ,'Joao Azevedo' ,1 ,1),
(9 , 7 ,'Ricardo Pereira',1 ,1),
(10, 9 ,'Ilidio Vatuva' ,1 ,1),
(11, 3 ,'Kevin Soares' ,1 ,1),
(11, 1 ,'Marco Costa' ,1 ,1),
(11,18 ,'Ricardo Bateiro',2 ,3),
(12,21 ,'Daniel Silva' ,1 ,1),
(12, 9 ,'Ilidio Vatuva' ,1 ,1),
(13, 2 ,'Joao Azevedo' ,1 ,1);
I am working with PostgreSQL 13.2.
For game_id 1 (as example):
the best scorer(player_id/player_name) per game_id.
Going out on a limb, this might do it:
SELECT j.id AS game_id
, x.player_id
, jg.nome AS player_name
, x.number_of_goals
FROM jogo j
SELECT jj.id AS player_id
, count(*) AS number_of_goals
, lag(count(*)) OVER (ORDER BY count(*) DESC) AS next_best -- descending!
FROM jogo_jogador jj
JOIN golo g ON g.jogo_jogador_id = jj.id
WHERE jj.jogo_id = j.id
GROUP BY jj.id
ORDER BY count(*) DESC, next_best DESC NULLS LAST
) x ON x.number_of_goals > x.next_best -- better than the next best
OR x.next_best IS NULL -- or there was no next best
JOIN jogador jg ON jg.id = x.player_id;
subquery x
I count goals per player, order players in descending (DESC
!) order and pick the one with the highest score - if it's better than the next best (or there is no next best).
is determined using the window function lag()
, based on the same descending order.
Only retrieve the player name for actual winners after that.
Without knowing your relational design, I assume jogo_jogador.id
is actually the player ID (jogador.id
) and there is no need to join to equipa_jogador
at all.
Using the slightly faster count(*)
(instead of count(g.id)
) because we can.