I have m3u list provided like this:
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 1" tvg-name="Channel 1" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo1.png" timeshift="5" catchup="default" catchup-source="{utc}-{lutc}.m3u8?token=secret" group-title="Group" ,13 Channel 1
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 2" tvg-name="Channel 2" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo2.png" timeshift="5" catchup="default" catchup-source="{utc}-{lutc}.m3u8?token=secret" group-title="Group" ,Channel 2
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 3" tvg-name="Channel 3" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo3.png" timeshift="5" catchup="default" catchup-source="{utc}-{lutc}.m3u8?token=secret" group-title="Group" ,Channel 3
I want to change catchup type to fs and remove all catchup-source tags, so result should be:
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 1" tvg-name="Channel 1" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo1.png" timeshift="5" catchup="fs" group-title="Group" ,13 Channel 1
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 2" tvg-name="Channel 2" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo2.png" timeshift="5" catchup="fs" group-title="Group" ,Channel 2
#EXTINF:0 tvg-id="Channel 3" tvg-name="Channel 3" tvg-logo="http://host/logo/logo3.png" timeshift="5" catchup="fs" group-title="Group" ,Channel 3
How to do that in bash? I tried with sed, but without success, can you point me right direction?
To remove any specific substring, I can use sed like this:
sed '/text to remove/d' ./file
In my case, string to remove is vary, between catchup="default"
and group-title=
and get result as I posted.
Like this:
shopt -s extglob ; cat file.txt | while read -r line ; do mapfile -t -d ' ' Line < <(printf '%s' "${line}" | cut -f 1-99 -d ' ') ; for field in "${Line[@]}"; do if [[ "$field" =~ catchup-source=.* ]]; then : ; elif [[ "$field" == catchup=\"default\" ]]; then printf '%s ' 'catchup="fs"'; else [[ -n "$field" ]] && { if [[ "$field" =~ .*$'\n'.* ]]; then printf '%s' "$field" ; else printf '%s ' "$field" ; fi } ; fi; done ; done
Read the file line by line, split it into fields with space as delimiter and store those in an array. For each field in the array check the contents: if the content is catchup default thing, change it to catchup=fs thing, if content is catchup-source, just continue (':' meaning true), else check if the field has content (-n), and if it has content, check if the content of the field has a newline and if it does just print the content, else print the content with the space which was the delimiter.