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How to shorten and show only a part of text in plotly express axis?

I'm trying to output a graph that has ids on its x-axis and numbers on its y. Now I'm having difficulty seeing the graph itself as the ids are too long. I don't want to remove the whole ids and I just need to have for example the last few letters of each. Does anyone know if Plotly express has anything like using a regex for the labels? enter image description here


  • To shorten the tick labels of your x-axis, you could either change the id's of your column beforehand by changing the dataframe, or you could use .update_layout() to change your tick labels afterwards.

    See also:

    This question + answer is related: Plotly: How to set custom xticks

    Example code:

    import uuid
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import as px
    # generating some sample data and dataframe
    length = 4
    data = {
        'colA': [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(length)],
        'colB': np.random.normal(size=length)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # create scatter plot
    fig = px.scatter(data_frame=df, x='colA', y='colB', width=600, height=400)
    # overwrite tick labels    
        xaxis = {
         'tickmode': 'array',
         'tickvals': list(range(length)),
         'ticktext': df['colA'].str.slice(-6).tolist(),

    Resulting plot:

    using update_layout() to adjust tick labels