I have a query for showing companies that have submitted at least one report but have not reported for all of the prior eight quarters. The following is the query:
select distinct ct.CompanyId, c.companyName,
'Reported Quarters' = STUFF(
select distinct ', ' + CAST(QuarterId as varchar(max))
from CompanyTransaction as b
where b.CompanyId = ct.CompanyId
from CompanyTransaction as ct
left join ( select CompanyId, count(distinct QuarterId) as cnt
from CompanyTransaction
group by CompanyId
having count(distinct QuarterId) = 8
) as ct2 on ct.CompanyId = ct2.CompanyId
join Company as c on ct.CompanyId = c.CompanyId
where ct2.CompanyId is null
order by ct.CompanyId
I did a self left join on CompanyTransaction table to retrieve companies that do not have total count of 8 distinct QuarterIds. The result of the query shows the Company Id's, Company Names, and Reported Quarters (the quarters each company has submitted).
CompanyId CompanyName Reported Quarters
1 Cabbage Corp 20191, 20192, 20193
2 Future Industries 20191, 20192, 20194, 20201
3 Republic City 20191, 20192, 20193
4 Keum Enterprises 20191, 20203
5 Varrick Global Industries 20191, 20192, 20193, 20194, 20201, 20202, 20204
What I would like to show, and unsure of implementing, are the quarters that a company that has not reported for:
CompanyId CompanyName Missing Quarters
1 Cabbage Corp 20194, 20201, 20202, 20203, 20204
2 Future Industries 20193, 20202, 20203, 20204
3 Republic City 20194, 20201, 20202, 20203, 20204
4 Keum Enterprises 20192, 20193, 20194, 20201, 20202, 20204
5 Varrick Global Industries 20203
Any help and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
What I would like to show, and unsure of implementing, are the quarters that a company that has not reported for:
Let me assume that all tables and all quarters are in CompanyTransaction
. Then the idea is to generate rows for all companies and quarters and filter out the ones that are not present.
The following will use string_agg()
. You seem to know how to convert to stuff()
if necessary:
select c.companyid, c.companyname,
string_agg(q.quarterid, ', ') within group (order by q.quarterid)
from (select distinct companyid, companyname
from CompanyTransaction
) c cross join
(select distinct quarterid
from CompanyTransaction
) q left join
CompanyTransaction ct
on ct.companyid = c.companyid and
ct.quarterid = q.quarterid
where ct.companyid is null
group by c.companyid, c.companyname;
Actually, the old-style aggregation method is not that bad:
select c.companyid, c.companyname,
stuff( (select concat(', ', q.quarterid)
from quarters q left join
CompanyTransaction ct
on ct.quarterid = q.quarterid and
ct.companyid = c.companyid
where ct.quarterid is null
order by q.quarterid
for xml path ('')
), 1, 2, ''
) as missing_quarterids
from (select distinct companyid, companyname
from CompanyTransaction
) c;