I have multiple lists that need to be empty by default if nothing is assigned to them. But I get this error:
class Example {
List<String> myFirstList;
List<String> mySecondList;
this.myFirstList = []; // <-- Error: default value must be constant
this.mySecondList = [];
But then of course if I make it constant, I can't change it later:
this.myFirstList = const [];
this.mySecondList = const [];
Example().myFirstList.add("foo"); // <-- Error: Unsupported operation: add (because it's constant)
I found a way of doing it like this, but how can I do the same with multiple lists:
class Example {
List<String> myFirstList;
List<String> mySecondList;
List<String> myFirstList;
List<String> mySecondList;
}) : myFirstList = myFirstList ?? []; // <-- How can I do this with multiple lists?
class Example {
List<String> myFirstList;
List<String> mySecondList;
List<String>? myFirstList,
List<String>? mySecondList,
}) : myFirstList = myFirstList ?? [],
mySecondList = mySecondList ?? [];
If your class is immutable (const constructor and final fields) then you need to use const [] in the initializer expressions.