I have a system of 3 ODEs:
Cf' = kin * Cw * F - (kout + km) * Cf
Cw' = kout * Cf - kin * Cw(i) * F
Cm' = km * Cf
I measured data for all time points of Cf and only the initial values of Cw and Cm. Now I would like to fit my model to this data, finding the best parameter values for kin,kout and km.
Can I do this somehow with lsqcurvefit and ode45? Thank you!
So you got an ODE function
function Dy = derivs(t,y,p)
Cf = y(1); Cw = y(2); Cm = y(3);
kin = p(1); kout = p(2); km = p(3);
DCf = kin * Cw * F - (kout + km) * Cf;
DCw = kout * Cf - kin * Cw * F;
DCm = km * Cf;
Dy = [ DCf DCw DCm ]
and a function to get solutions for specified points
function y_data = solution(x_data,y0,p)
sol = ode45(@(t,y)derivs(t,y,p), [x0,xe], y0)
y_data = deval(sol, x_data)
Now the function to pass to the fitting procedure is
@(p) solution(x_data,y0,p)
and you get a more detailed value table with the optimized parameters p_opt
for plotting by
x_plot = linspace(x0,xe,300)
y_plot = solution(x_plot,y0,p_opt)
plot(x_plot, y_plot)