When I visit the Material Components Demo page and switch between the pages (e.g. Autocomplete and Badge), I can see in the Chrome dev-tools Performance monitor, that the number of DOM nodes and JS event listeners constantly increases.
Note: also memory increases when we visit multiple pages and then start a GC
Shouldn't a garbage collection free the dom-nodes of the previous page?
Or is this a memory leak in the Material Components library (or maybe in the demo app)?
I ask because we also see this in our production app (which is large) and there it seems to have a severe performance impact.
Shouldn't a garbage collection free the dom-nodes of the previous page?
Yes. The garbage collector will free all DOM-nodes, that are not referenced anymore.
So in a well-behaved application/library switching from one route to another should not leak any memory and the Performance monitor
tab should show the exact same numbers as before.
BUT: there may be good reasons in some cases to keep references to DOM nodes, e.g. maybe the library uses some sort of cache
Or is this a memory leak in the Material Components library (or maybe in the demo app)?
Also yes. It seems that the Material Components library has memory leak issues: Here are some open issues:
Also the Angular Ivy renderer causes memory-leaks:
Stackblitz hint:
I was not able to reproduce some issues on Stackblitz (i.e. I saw the memory leaks locally, but the same code on Stackblitz worked). The reason was, that Ivy was deactivated on Stackblitz (but my local ng-cli had Ivy activated by default). We can activate Ivy in the Stackblitz settings:
Chrome-Dev-Tools hint:
Before starting a garbage collection we should: