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AND is not returning result in GraphQL

I am trying to write a query with AND operator to extract data from neo4j in GraphQL but it doesn't return any result. I am using neo4j-graphql-js library. I have the following schema

type Order {
    label: String
    id: String
    details: [OrderDetails] @relation(name: "RELATED_TO", direction: "OUT")

type OrderDetails {
    createdBy: String
    label: String
    oId: String

Following is the query:

  Order(filter: { AND: [{ label: "fruits", details: {label: "banana"} }] }) {

I also tried this:

  Order(filter: {  label: "fruits", details: {label: "banana"}  }) {

But these two queries do not return any result. If I just write label: "fruits" without AND it returns the result but I want all orders of fruit which are particularly for banana. Any suggestion where I am getting wrong?


  • Since you have mentioned about using neo4j-graphql-js library. You can do something like this:

        filter: { label: "fruits", details_single: { label: "banana" } }
      ) {
        details {