Well hello hello everyone, new to javascript. I received an assignment and am at a bit of a standstill. I need to have a user-generated table that labels itself. I am having a hard enough time getting the table to generate properly with the input from prompts. Now I am also stuck with the loop needed for the labeled rows and columns as well. It May seem ridiculous how simple this is but I am exhausted and receiving little guidance and could use the help.
The table should look like this. I can't even get the table to generate properly with loops yet.
<!DOCTYPE html>
var row = prompt("how many rows would you like?");
var col = prompt("how many colums would you like?");
var mytable = "";
var cellNum = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < row ; r++);
mytable += "<tr>";
for (var c = 0 ; c < col; c++ );
mytable += "<td>" + cellNum++; + "</td>";
mytable += "</tr>";
document.write("<table border=1>" + mytable + "</table>");
You basically put a semicolon behind the first for loop.
for (var c = 0 ; c < col; c++ );
Right version would be this piece of code:
for (var c = 0 ; c < col; c++ )
I also would change
for (var r = 0; r < row ; r++)
for (var r = 0; r < row-1 ; r++)
or you gonna end up with a empty row.
Have a great day!