has a function called getOption
that works as expected.
I can't find the inverse function setOption
. Please let me know where it is?
If it doesn't exist, can we write one?
setOption("max.print", 20);
where the function is in skeleton form:
setOption = function(myKey, myValue)
I tried the obvious:
options()[["max.print"]] = 20
which throws an error.
Maybe something with:
onames = names(options());
options(setNames( ???
The above code is unfinished, hence this question.
Here is an example of a variadic getter-setter
function for the "par":
setParKey = function(myKey, myValue)
pnames = names( par(no.readonly = TRUE) );
if(is.element(myKey, pnames))
par(setNames(list(myValue), myKey))
setOption <- options
setOption(max.print = 20)
#> [1] 20
or closer to your interface (using R package rlang):
setOption <- function(myKey, myValue) rlang::exec('options', !!myKey := myValue)
setOption('max.print', 30)
#> [1] 30
I am not sure I understand your point about variadic functions, but the function options()
is already variadic...
setOptions <- options
setOptions(max.print = 20, digits = 12)
#> [1] 20
#> [1] 12