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Arduino Uno blink onboard LED by an assembly code gives error Found no label/variable/constant named PD0

I have found an assembly code as follows


; blink.asm

; Pin Constant Values
; PD0 - 0
; PD1 - 1
; PD2 - 2
; PD3 - 3
; PD4 - 4
; PD5 - 5
; PD6 - 6
; PD7 - 7

; PB0 - 8
; PB1 - 9
; PB2 - 10
; PB3 - 11
; PB4 - 12
; PB5 - 13 - System LED

.DEF PTD = r16
.DEF PTB = r17

.MACRO Delay1
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay
    rcall delay

    rcall   init ; Initialize pins
    rcall   setpinhigh
    rcall   setpinlow
    rjmp    loop

    ; Set pins 0-7 to low
    ldi     r16,(0<<PD7)|(0<<PD6)|(0<<PD5)|(0<<PD4)|(0<<PD3)|(0<<PD2)|(0<<PD1)|(0<<PD0)
    out     PORTD,r16

    ; Set pins 8-13 to low
    ldi     r17,(0<<PB5)|(0<<PB4)|(0<<PB3)|(0<<PB2)|(0<<PB1)|(0<<PB0)
    out     PORTB,r17

    ; Set pins 0-7 to output mode
    ldi     r18,(1<<DDD7)|(1<<DDD6)|(1<<DDD5)|(1<<DDD4)|(1<<DDD3)|(1<<DDD2)|(1<<DDD1)|(1<<DDD0)
    out     DDRD,r18

    ; Set pins 8-13 to output mode
    ldi     r19,(1<<DDB5)|(1<<DDB4)|(1<<DDB3)|(1<<DDB2)|(1<<DDB1)|(1<<DDB0)
    out     DDRB,r19

    nop ; nop for settling down after pins set

    ret ; return from subroutine

    ldi     PTD,1<<PD0
    out     PORTD, PTD
    ldi     PTD,0<<PD0
    out     PORTD, PTD
    ldi ZH,HIGH(65535)
    ldi ZL,LOW(65535)
    sbiw ZL,1
    brne count

To blink the onboard LED of my Arduino uno (ATmega328P processor).

I tried to compile the code to hex by this command

avra blink.asm

But I receive

AVRA: advanced AVR macro assembler Version 1.3.0 Build 1 (8 May 2010)
Copyright (C) 1998-2010. Check out README file for more info

   AVRA is an open source assembler for Atmel AVR microcontroller family
   It can be used as a replacement of 'AVRASM32.EXE' the original assembler
   shipped with AVR Studio. We do not guarantee full compatibility for avra.

   AVRA comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
   You may redistribute copies of avra under the terms
   of the GNU General Public License.
   For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.

Pass 1...
Warning : No .DEVICE definition found. Cannot make useful address range check !
Pass 2...
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD7
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD6
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD5
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD4
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD3
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD2
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD1
blink.asm(62) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PD0
blink.asm(63) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PORTD
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB5
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB4
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB3
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB2
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB1
blink.asm(66) : Error   : Found no label/variable/constant named PB0
blink.asm(66) : Maximum error count reached. Exiting...

Used memory blocks:
   Code      :  Start = 0x0000, End = 0x0040, Length = 0x0041

Assembly aborted with 15 errors and 1 warnings.

How to fix these errors?

My OS is Ubuntu 16.04.


  • This error tell you that the assembler does not know what you mean by PD0, PD1...etc


    instead of define registers and pin from scratch these definitions already there... you can download and use

    Add it in the same folder with your code then include it in the top of your code as following

    .include "./"

    Note that: is just some Register and Bit Definitions for the ATmega328P