I need to design an API for a resource that is nested under one or more namespaces.
For example:
/ +
+--- namespace1
+-------- namespace2
+---------------- resource
where I can possibly have 0 to N namespaces.
What would be the recommended way to represent such a resource? I have considered the following approaches:
represent the namespace path in the URL. e.g:
GET /resources/namespace1/namespace2/resource
represent the namespace as a query parameter:
GET /resources/resource?context=/namespace1/namespace2
represent the namespace as a header:
GET /resources/resource
Context: /namespace1/namespace2
Is there a recommended approach for such a problem, or are there any additional patterns I may be missing?
I agree, #1 is the most readable, and if the technology you're using makes that easy to work with, it's worth considering. However, it's likely to result in work on the client side to form the API call correctly, which doesn't make the API particularly discoverable or documentable.
#3 is really just a variation of #2. You've only chosen to express the namespace in the header instead of a query parameter. In either case, it doesn't make the client have to assemble the URI, but clients would probably prefer to send a "clean" request for a URI than add in headers.
Things like "scope", "context", "namespace", and "hierarchy" all lend themselves to being a query parameter. This makes #2 palatable despite your reservation.
This seems like a case of KISS. REST doesn't specifically cover this case.