I'm stuck at a point where I want to divide the XCUItestcases(total of 40) that I have for my project and run them in parallel(10 testcases run /one parallel executor) in CI. All my ui-tests path are there in fastfile.
It's funny you would post this today. I've spent 4-5 days on this subject over the last few months with the bulk of that being this week. I summarized my findings using various methods yesterday at https://www.iammike.org/2021/03/04/xcuitest-circleci-and-parallelization/.
The short of it is that this is very unreliable and not worth the effort. The problem is CircleCI doesn't seem to handle the load from XCUITest very well and more or less chokes on it, causing intermittent failures.
I'm awaiting feedback from CircleCI support and will update this appropriately.