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Return false instead of undefined

On an Angular 11 / Typescript application I have:

authorize(policy: Policy) : Observable<boolean> {

  switch(policy) { 

    case Policy.Admin: 

      return zip(this.authenticationService.isSignedIn(), this.user$).pipe(
        map(([isSignedIn, user]: [boolean, UserModel]) => 
          user?.claims?.some((claim: Claim) => claim.value === 'Admin'))

user is of type Observable<UserModel> and isSignedIn is of type Observable<boolean, undefined>.

When I build the application I get the error:

Type 'Observable<boolean | undefined>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<boolean>'

I do not want to return undefined. I would prefer to return false instead of undefined.

How can I do this?


  • End your map with a boolean ...

      const isSignedIn$ = this.authenticationService.isSignedIn();
      const user$ = this.user$;
      return zip(isSignedIn$, user$).pipe(
        map(([isSignedIn, user]: [boolean, UserModel]) => {
            const hasAdminRole = user?.claims?.some((claim: Claim) => claim.value === 'Admin');
            return !!(isSignedIn && hasAdminRole);