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wsHttpBinding on the wcf service and web reference on the client don't work

I am using wsHttpBinding with a WCF service.

I've added a web reference and I've got the web proxy (it is based on SoapHttpClientProtocol).

Also I've tried to build a proxy using wsdl.exe and the actual wsdl generated by the wcf service (http://zzzz/zz.svc?wsdl).

When the client calls the service, I get the following error:

The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, ''.

Why doesn't the client (the web proxy) work with my WCF service?

What steps should I take to make them work?

I am running .NET FW 3.5 and ASP.NET 2.0.


  • You cannot consume service exposed on wsHttpBinding with default configuration by old ASMX proxy. You must either use add service reference / svcutil or change your binding to basicHttpBinding. Default configuration of wsHttpBinding uses advanced security and ASMX doesn't support it.