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How to test for Empty array value in Unirest json Response

I have the following code snipet used in Jira Script Runner cloud

String _userId
def result = get(graph_base_user_url + "?")
         .header("Authorization","Bearer " + AuthToken )
         .queryString("\$filter","mail eq '$userEmail'")
        if (result.getStatus().toString() =="200")
            **if (result.getBody().value){  // <<<<< is Value is not empty ???
            _userId="-1" // user does not exist
        // user ID not found : error 404
        if (result.getStatus().toString()=="404")
         _userId="User not found"

This code is returning in the result.getBody() the following output


What I am trying to achieve is to test if the value array of the response is empty or not and if not empty I need to fetch the first element item as value[0].Id, but I could not get it correctly

How can I define my code in BOLD above to perform my correct test ? Error I get from my code is : " Value is not a property of JsonNode object

Thanks for help regards


  • from official doc

    String result = Unirest.get("")

    so, something like this should work for you:

    def a = result.getBody().getObject().getJSONArray("value")
    if(a.length()>0) _userId = a.get(0).get("id")