I've been testing the Natural Language UI functionality and created a model for Single-Label classification. To train the model I used a csv with two columns, the first column has the text and the second has the label.
Then I get to the "Test & Use" tab to perform predictions. I upload a csv file into GS and when I try to select it I get the message that "Invalid file type, only following file types allowed: pdf, tif, tiff"
I was wondering whether I can use a csv file similar to when I trained the model.
As per the documentation, you can't do batch prediction from the UI.
You need to use the API's batchPredict method to do so.
If you would like to use your model to do high-throughput asynchronous prediction on a corpus of documents you can use the batchPredict method. The batch prediction methods require you to specify input and output URIs that point to locations in Cloud Storage buckets.
The input URI points to a CSV or JSONL file, which specifies the content to analyze