I want to convert a 3D array (say size = 3x3x4) to a list of 3 (3x4) arrays. The 3D Array A in the else block is not the same type as in the if block.
I tried tolist() function, but it converts the 3D array to a list of lists, which is not desired.
X = np.random.randn(3, 3, 3)
for R in range(1,10):
N = len(X.shape)
B = ()
C = []
for i in range(N):
B += svd(X[i])
C = np.array(C)
if R <= np.shape(C)[2]:
A = C[:,:,:R]
A = np.concatenate((C[:,:,:np.shape(C)[2]],np.zeros((3,3,1))),axis=2)
Ideally, A = [np.random.randn(In, R) for In in X.shape]
But I am modifying this step by assigning left singular vectors of X to A.
A numpy array is an iterable, you you can easily convert it to a list:
lst = list(A)
>>> arr = np.arange(8).reshape(2,2,2)
>>> arr
array([[[0, 1],
[2, 3]],
[[4, 5],
[6, 7]]])
>>> list(arr)
[array([[0, 1],
[2, 3]]), array([[4, 5],
[6, 7]])]