I am using the library react-native-paper
and I am using the List
components, but in the List.Accordion
appears one strange image at the right position, I would like to put an icon arrow down in the place. But the List.Accordion
just receive the left
prop and no the right
{bleDevices.length > 0 && (
title="Dispositivos encontrados"
left={props => <Icon name="arrow-down" size={24} />}
{_.map(bleDevices, (device, index) => (
title={`${device.name || 'device'} (${device.rssi}) `}
description={`${device.localName} (${device.id})`}
right={props => (
<Button onPress={toggleConnectDevice(device.name)}>
Looks like you are missing the icon font. Normally if you havent installed react-native-vector-icons correctly you see that "strange image".