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Swagger OpenAPI 3.0 empty authentication header in request

I generated the swagger.json listed below using tsoa for TypeScript. However when I add an access token to the authorize menu from swagger and make a request to one of my endpoints I am expecting the access token to be inside the x-access-token header. However, the header is not added to my request. What do I need to change to my swagger.json to enable the authorize header?


      "description":"<b>This API facilitates custom voice commands to execute the corresponding configured API endpoint</b>",
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
            "description":"<b>Upload a command as a mono recording formatted to a wav file with 16kHz</b> <br> <b>The endpoint corresponding to the command will be executed.</b>",

Update the following swagger.json solved my problem (removed schemas due to character limit)

      "description":"<b>This API facilitates custom voice commands to execute the corresponding configured API endpoint</b>",
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
                  "description":"No content"
               "Admin Commands"
            "description":"<b>Upload a command as a mono recording formatted to a wav file with 16kHz</b> <br> <b>The endpoint corresponding to the command will be executed.</b>",


  • You have defined the security scheme, but you haven't actually used it anywhere. On many of your endpoints you've got a blank security section, and on others you're using "jwt", which is not your defined "bearer" scheme. (Note: You are using an API key, NOT bearer authentication, your name is misleading.)

    Place something like this in the endpoints you wish to have use this auth type.

       "security": [
             "bearer": []