I used this function to apply the XOR operation between two bytes
def byte_xor(ba1, ba2):
""" XOR two byte strings """
return bytes([_a ^ _b for _a, _b in zip(ba1, ba2)])
I used the function of two bytes R and L
new_R = byte_xor(str(R).encode(), str(self.hash1(str(L).encode())).encode())
is equal to b'X: 0x92405a2937fba74a036c002e51dc8405850afe40123b23f2\nY: 0x2b8471aac0e9b2038dd369d376481585bbf0286927d7607e\n(On curve <P192>)'
is equal to b'4775954696306753387525785228259522227266813277010037244898'
is equal to b'l\r\x17\x05A\x0c\x06\x02\t\x03R\x02\x0f\x04\x02UQY\x00\x01S\x05\x04\x0eV\x02\x02\nW\x00\x08QQ\n\x06\x02\x02\n\x03\x06YWV\x06\x07\x06\x02\x02R\x02\x00Q\x00>m\x02\x19\x08'
What I don't understand is that when I wanted to get the value of R it didn't give me the entire value, somehow it seems that it gave me half of the actual value:
R = byte_xor(new_R, str(self.hash1(str(L).encode())).encode())
print('This is R:',R)
This is R: b'X: 0x92405a2937fba74a036c002e51dc8405850afe40123b23f2\nY: 0'
Am I doing something wrong? please help me
You probably want to cycle bytes of the second parameter to cover all of the first parameter's content. zip()
will only match the common length:
from itertools import cycle
def byte_xor(ba1, ba2):
""" XOR two byte strings """
return bytes([_a ^ _b for _a, _b in zip(ba1, cycle(ba2))])
R = b'X: 0x92405a2937fba74a036c002e51dc8405850afe40123b23f2\nY: 0x2b8471aac0e9b2038dd369d376481585bbf0286927d7607e\n(On curve <P192>)'
H = b'4775954696306753387525785228259522227266813277010037244898'
N = byte_xor(R,H)