The only function I know to save a trained model is trainer.SaveCheckpoint which can save the CNTK model, but I cannot find how to save the model to ONNX format in C#
On the documentation site here
I can find only the python method to save it as ONNX"myModel.onnx", format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
But this does not work in C#
object of .NET Managed library has a private method _Save
with the following signature:
private void _Save(string filepath, ModelFormat format)
You can execute it via Reflection:
string cntkFilePath = "myModel.model";
string onnxFilePath = "myModel.onnx";
Function model = Function.Load(cntkFilePath, DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice, ModelFormat.CNTKv2);
MethodInfo saveMethod = typeof(Function).GetMethod(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
new[] { typeof(string), typeof(ModelFormat) },
saveMethod?.Invoke(model, new object[] { onnxFilePath, ModelFormat.ONNX });