The MWE below simply creates a label with a hyper-text in it. Most of the time (but not every time) it causes a Segmentation fault when I click on that link.
I assume that I missunderstand something about PyGtk and I use it the wrong way?
That is the error output:
Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
Current thread 0x00007fa2718a7740 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/overrides/", line 1641 in main
File "./", line 45 in <module>
Here are informations about my system and versions
Python 3.7.3 CPython
Gtk 3.0
GIO 3.30.4
Cairo 1.16.2
This is the MWE
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import faulthandler; faulthandler.enable()
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
class FeedybusWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
hbox = Gtk.Box(spacing=5)
self._feed_label = Gtk.Label(label='')
self._feed_label.set_markup('<a href="renamelabel">Click me</a>')
self._feed_label.connect('activate-link', self._on_activate_link)
hbox.pack_start(self._feed_label, True, True, 20)
# EVENT: destroy
self.connect('delete-event', self._on_delete_event)
self.connect('destroy', self._on_destroy)
def _on_activate_link(self, label, uri):
if uri == 'renamelabel':
self._feed_label.set_markup('<a href="renamelabel">Click me AGAIN</a>')
return True
return False
def _on_delete_event(self, window, event=None):
def _on_destroy(self, caller):
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = FeedybusWindow()
EDIT: Of course I can use other GUI elements instead of a Gtk.Label
. But this would be a workaround not a solution. The focus of my question is if I am using the Gtk package the wrong way or that there maybe is a bug in Gtk that I should report.
This must be a bug (maybe: I can't see any problems with your code, and I can reproduce the crash on my Ubuntu 20.04 system as well. It seems like setting the label in the activate-link handler is the problem.
FWIW: A workaround is to set it outside the handler like this:
def _on_activate_link(self, label, uri):
if uri == 'renamelabel':
Gdk.threads_add_idle(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, self._rename)
return False
def _rename(self):
self._feed_label.set_markup('<a href="renamelabel">Click me AGAIN</a>')