I'm trying to make a transition effect to text in livewire & laravel
It is working with {{ $html }}
<p class="text-gray-600" x-data="{show: false}" x-show.transition.duration.1000ms="show" x-init="setTimeout(() => { show = true })" id="{{ $slide['current']['id'] }}c">{{ '<h1>hi</h1>' }}</p>
but it didn't work with {!! $html !!}}
<p class="text-gray-600" x-data="{show: false}" x-show.transition.duration.1000ms="show" x-init="setTimeout(() => { show = true })" id="{{ $slide['current']['id'] }}c">{!! '<h1>hi</h1>' !!}</p>
You can't put an
inside a<p>
element. The browser will move it out.
so i must add it in a <div>
<div class="text-gray-600" x-data="{show: false}" x-show.transition.duration.1000ms="show" x-init="setTimeout(() => { show = true })" id="{{ $slide['current']['id'] }}c">{!! '<h1>hi</h1>' !!}</div>