I have a user that is able to authorize with Facebook on our app using the ads_read
permission, but when we attempt to get ad accounts from this user's account using the <USER_ID>/adaccounts edge on the Facebook Graph API, it returns an error:
error: {
message: "Unsupported get request. Object with ID '<USER_ID>' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api",
type: 'GraphMethodException',
code: 100,
error_subcode: 33,
fbtrace_id: 'A3UCn8GlZiw9s3MRFG8sDUx'
I found a similar question in the Facebook Community, but it's from Graph API version 3. https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/489913344898099/
Why am I unable to retrieve the ad accounts for this user?
I'm using a regular GET request to the Graph API using fetch from a Node.js server to retrieve this data.
method: "GET"
.then((_res) => _res.json())
.then((accounts) => {
// ... do stuff with ad accounts
Try with ads_management
Based on FB docs, I guess permission that associated with /adaccounts
is ads_management
. While ads_read
is related to read ad report like Insight API.