I'm trying to connect to my mongodb atlas cluster but i keep getting timed out as soon as i try to do something with my db.
The db i use was created in mongoshell and also the collection i checked their existence in mongodb compass
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: projekt-shard-00-01-rk7ft.mongodb.net:27017: timed out,projekt-shard-00-00-rk7ft.mongodb.net:27017: timed out,projekt-shard-00-02-rk7ft.mongodb.net:27017: timed out
client = MongoClient("""mongodb://user:[email protected]:27017,projekt-shard-00-01-rk7ft.mongodb.net:27017,projekt-shard-00-02-rk7ft.mongodb.net:27017/projekt?ssl=true&replicaSet=projekt-shard-0&authSource=admin""")
client.projekt.category.insert_one({type : "pants"}).inserted_id
I was having this issue for hours. It's odd that it seems to be a connection issue, but it's not throwing a bad auth or anything, just this timeout. The client object seems to be actually created (I could print its properties). I kept playing around and this somehow worked:
For me it finally connected and inserted successfully. After this, the original user's connection string now worked, so I deleted the test user.
I can't identify the root cause of this issue, but it seems like the Database Users table just needed some kind of action performed on it to refresh and begin accepting user connections.