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c#wpfemgucv binding failure in WPF

I'm trying to capture video from camera and display in c# WPF form. But image dont show up when i start the program. Also debugger gives me no exception it's just running. I m debugging and i see the CapturedImage property is taking the data as supposed to be. It might be they work in the different threads. But i cant figure out. So, HELP ME,

I'm binding a ImageSource type property. As you can see,

public class VideoCapturing : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private ImageSource capturedImage;
    public ImageSource CapturedImage
        get { return capturedImage;  }
        set { capturedImage = value; OnPropertyChanged("CapturedImage"); }

Also capturing code is here,

public void run()
        if (cap.capture == null)
            capture = new Emgu.CV.VideoCapture(0);
            CurrentFrame = new Mat();
        capture.ImageGrabbed += VideoCapture_ImageGrabbed;
private void VideoCapture_ImageGrabbed(object sender, EventArgs e) // runs in worker thread
       CapturedImage = ImageSourceFromBitmap(CurrentFrame.ToImage<Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr, byte>().ToBitmap()); 
} // VideoCapturing class ends.

here is the xaml part for binding,

    <Image x:Name="img" Source="{Binding CapturedImage}"></Image> 

This is the mainwindow.xaml.cs,

public MainWindow()
        VideoCapturing VideoCapture = new VideoCapturing();
        this.DataContext = VideoCapture ;;


  • There is a typo when you call OnPropertyChanged(). "CaptureImage" but it should be "CapturedImage".

    public ImageSource CapturedImage
        get { return capturedImage;  }
        set { capturedImage = value; OnPropertyChanged("CapturedImage"); }

    In MainWindow you should call instead of

    Because of VideoCapture_ImageGrabbed runs in worker thread you have set CapturedImage on UI thread by calling Dispatcher.BeginInvoke.

    private void VideoCapture_ImageGrabbed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
            CapturedImage = ImageSourceFromBitmap(CurrentFrame.ToImage<Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr, byte>().ToBitmap()); 