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$() is removed from string

I want to replace old validation with the new validation. But the new validation regex is removing $() from Regex.

$newValidation= "<RegexPattern>^[\w\s,.;+&'""!?$()@%]*$</RegexPattern>"
$_.Fields["Parameters"].value -replace $oldValidation, $newValidation   

But the newValidation is removing $() from regex and showing it like this



  • This can help:

    $newValidation= "<RegexPattern>^[\w\s,.;+&'""!?`$()@%]*$</RegexPattern>"
    $_.Fields["Parameters"].value -replace [regex]::escape($oldValidation), $newValidation.Replace('$','$$')

    Please check there is a backtick before $.

    Another possible solution is using .Replace after backtick is used in $newValidation:

    $_.Fields["Parameters"].value.Replace($oldValidation, $newValidation)