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How to use AudioKit Sequencer to configure time signature for a metronome?

Thanks for AudioKit!

I'm a beginner in Swift and AudioKit, so this may be an easy question:

I want to build a metronome app. From the example in Audiokit's new CookBook and the old AKMetronome(), I can see how to build a simple metronome using AudioKit. But I don't know how to play beats with compound time signatures (3/8, 7/8, etc.). Both examples here use a time signature with 4 as a fixed bottom number and the top number can be changed (i.e. we can have 1/4, 3/4, 6/4 but not 3/8, 6/8).

Is there a way to change the bottom number?

Link for AKMetronome:

AudioKit Cookbook's Shaker Metronome:


  • I made some changes to the Shaker Metronome's code to illustrate how you could create a metronome that plays different time signatures such as 6/8, 5/8, 7/8, and so on.

    First I added some information to the ShakerMetronomeData structure:

    enum Figure: Double {
        case quarter = 1.0
        case eighth = 0.5
    struct ShakerMetronomeData {
        var isPlaying = false
        var tempo: BPM = 120
        var timeSignatureTop: Int = 4
        var downbeatNoteNumber = MIDINoteNumber(6)
        var beatNoteNumber = MIDINoteNumber(10)
        var beatNoteVelocity = 100.0
        var currentBeat = 0
        var figure: Figure = .quarter
        var pattern: [Int] = [4]

    Then, the part of the updateSequences function that plays the metronome clicks would become:

    func updateSequences() {
        var track = sequencer.tracks.first!
        track.length = Double(data.timeSignatureTop)
        var startTime: Double = 0.0
        for numberOfBeatsInGroup in data.pattern {
            track.sequence.add(noteNumber: data.downbeatNoteNumber, position: 0.0, duration: 0.4)
            startTime += data.figure.rawValue
            let vel = MIDIVelocity(Int(data.beatNoteVelocity))
            for beat in 1 ..< numberOfBeatsInGroup {
                track.sequence.add(noteNumber: data.beatNoteNumber, velocity: vel, position: startTime, duration: 0.1)
                startTime += data.figure.rawValue

    These would be the values of the figure and pattern members of the structure for different time signatures:

        Time signature  Figure    Pattern
        4/4             .quarter  [4]
        3/4             .quarter  [3]
        6/8             .eighth   [3,3]
        5/8             .eighth   [5]
        7/8             .eighth   [2,2,3]

    Please note I haven't tested this code, but it illustrates how you could play beats with a compound time signature.

    This could be improved by having three different sounds instead of two: one for the start of each bar, one for the beginning of each group, and one for the downbeats.