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IEX API technical indicators batch call

Just wondering if anyone has been able to make a batch call to the iex cloud api requesting technical indicators like SMA10day or EMA10day for multiple tickers.

I have no problem accessing some of the other features via the following url: batch_api_call_url = f',stats,advanced-stats,company&symbols={tickers}&token={iex_token}'

However, the technical indicators endpoint eludes me. Any guidance is much appreciated!


  • In the long run if you know some Python it might be better to simply make a get request to the api for the price data and calculate the MAs internally. This way it doesnt eat into your cumulative end-point quotas.

    data = requests.get(api_call_url).json() # get price data only from eixcloud data.index= pd.to_datetime(data.index) import talib as ta #you might need to install this resource first data['SMA20'] = ta.SMA(data.close, timeperiod = 20)

    here is a further reference: or just df['20SMA'] = df['Close'].rolling(20).mean()