I have the following MongoDB document and I'm trying to update the selected answer object in a nested array.
Currently, the code that I'm using is following:
{ _id: getUserId(req), "days.day": req.body.day},
{ $push: {"days.$.data.summaries.$[summ].questions.$[quest].selected_answer": req.body.selected_answer}},
{ arrayFilters: [{"summ._id": ObjectID("5fdf5b71cac79b28cc840e2d")}, {"quest._id": ObjectID("5fdf5b71cac79b28cc840e2d")}]},
(err, user) => {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send({data: { message: err }});
else if (user) {
res.status(200).send({data: { message: "updated!"}})
After the request gets executed it says "updated!" but the selected_answer entry is not actually updated. What am I missing? Somehow, it doesn't find the proper path.
The correct way of updating an existing entry is:
{ _id: getUserId(req), "days.day": req.body.day},
{ $set: {"days.$.data.summaries.$[summ].questions.$[quest].selected_answer": req.body.selected_answer}},
{ arrayFilters: [{"summ._id": ObjectID("5fdf5b71cac79b28cc840e2d")}, {"quest._id": ObjectID("5fdf5b71cac79b28cc840e2d")}]},
(err, user) => {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send({data: { message: err }});
else if (user) {
res.status(200).send({data: { message: "updated!"}})