I'm trying to exchange data between a mobile phone and a computer using bluetooth. I'd like to use OBEX for it. I have read OBEX_documentation and Wikipedia and tried to send a following package from a device 1 (computer):
const char package[] =
/* Connect | 2B of length| OBEX Ver 1.0| Flag| Max Size */
0x80, 0x00, 0x07, 0x10, 0x00, 2048>>8, 2048&0xFF};
and I would expect some kind of respond from a device 2 (cell phone) like:
const char res[]={0xA0 .... } //0xA0 == Success
Even an error could would be great but I got blocked on recv(...).
It's implemented on Windows using winsock. I can pair and establish connection between these two. Somehow I don't understand how to handle the data transfer. I have read the theory but it let me down.
This is how I send and receive:
if (send(s, package, sizeof(package), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
auto error = WSAGetLastError();
if (error != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
std::cout << "Unable to send packet ";
auto receiveByteCount = recv(s, buff, 1024, 0); // blocking
The PBAP is describe here (search for PBAP). The link was given by @Mike Petrichenko The other helpfull post can be found here.