I want the mutate to run on all cells values (edited: in DF with multiple columns), and if it doesn't meet any criterion of the case_when, to keep the original data. for example mutate(~case_when(.=="hi" ~1, .=="hello"~2, T~(keep original value) ))
If you are running case_when
only for 1 column you can refer to the column name itself in TRUE ~
df %>%
mutate(cyl = case_when(col == 'hi' ~ 1,
col == 'hello' ~ 2,
TRUE ~ col))
If you are running this for multiple columns with mutate_at
you can use .
df %>%
mutate(across(c(a, b), ~case_when(.== "hi" ~ 1,
.== "hello"~2,
TRUE ~ .)))