I have an API method deploy on my local server,
async def method():
if incoming.request.url or domain == "this":
do some operation
skip it
return something
Now, Few people are using my API method, but is there any way I could track who is calling my api method and do specific extra operations to the once I specified who is calling my api.
How can I track the incoming domain name or ip or url of the people who are using my api method?
Note: Need a basic example on how to acheive it if you familiar with it
Is it something possible?
If you were using flask it could happen simply by getting remote_addr
as below:
from flask import FLASK, request
@app.route('/test/api', methods=['POST']):
def method():
visitor_ip = request.remote_addr
In fastapi it should happen like this: request.client.host
any way you can work with headers in your code and get many details of your client