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how to pass data to mixins and then displaying them in your component?

I want to pass data to my mixin's method, and then display it in my component. Something like:

//component A

mixins: [mixinOne],
    val = null
  this.mixinMethod('good value', this.val);
mixinMethod(valOne, valTwo) {
  valTwo = valOne;

And in my template I want to display val:

// component A

I have written the above code and it doesn't work. It returns null for {{val}}! So basically I want to see 'good value' in my component for {{val}} which is setup through my mixin. How can I do that?


  • You Should put your Data section in mixin then change it and render it in your component.

    // MmixinOne
    data () {
      return {
        val = null
    methods: {
      mixinMethod (valOne, valTwo) {
         valTwo = valOne
    // Component A
    import MmixinOne from './MmixinOne'
    export default {
      mixins: [MmixinOne],
      mounted () {
        this.mixinMethod('good value', this.val)

    Anyway you dont need a method to set value on "val". you can just set your value directly in mounted:

    mounted () {
      this.val = 'good value'