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Show Content in a View if content Author has the same entity reference value as the logged in user

Title pretty much explains it. I have a user entity reference field (Node) called "Company". I want to show all content in a view where the author of that content has the same "company" value as the logged in user. I'm getting a little confused with the relationships to achieve this.

Ok, I was able to get this working based on Kien's answer. If using Entity Reference 7-x.1.5 Instead of 'field_company_nid', the correct column name was 'field_company_target_id'

 * Implements hook_views_query_alter().
function your_module_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
  if ($view->name == 'article' && $view->current_display == 'page') { // replace 'article' and 'page' by your view's machine name and display's machine name
    $author_join = new views_join();
    $author_join->table = 'field_data_field_company'; // 'field_company' is machine name of the user's field referencing to Company
    $author_join->field = 'entity_id';
    $author_join->left_table = 'node';
    $author_join->left_field = 'uid';
    $author_join->type = 'left';
    $view->query->add_relationship('author_company', $author_join, 'node');

    $current_join = new views_join();
    $current_join->table = 'field_data_field_company'; // 'field_company' is machine name of the user's field referencing to Company
    $current_join->field = 'field_company_target_id';
    $current_join->left_table = 'author_company';
    $current_join->left_field = 'field_company_target_id';
    $current_join->type = 'left';
    $view->query->add_relationship('current_company', $current_join, 'author_company');

    global $user;
    $view->query->where[1]['conditions'][] = array(
      'field' => 'current_company.entity_id',
      'value' => $user->uid,
      'operator' => '='


  • What you want seems a bit difficult to do by simply setting the view. You might need some custom code to alter the view query. Below is an approach using hook_views_query_alter():

    1. Create a custom module (suppose it is your_module)
    2. In file your_module.module, implement hook_views_query_alter():
     * Implements hook_views_query_alter().
    function your_module_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
      if ($view->name == 'article' && $view->current_display == 'page') { // replace 'article' and 'page' by your view's machine name and display's machine name
        $author_join = new views_join();
        $author_join->table = 'field_data_field_company'; // 'field_company' is machine name of the user's field referencing to Company
        $author_join->field = 'entity_id';
        $author_join->left_table = 'node';
        $author_join->left_field = 'uid';
        $author_join->type = 'left';
        $view->query->add_relationship('author_company', $author_join, 'node');
        $current_join = new views_join();
        $current_join->table = 'field_data_field_company'; // 'field_company' is machine name of the user's field referencing to Company
        $current_join->field = 'field_company_nid';
        $current_join->left_table = 'author_company';
        $current_join->left_field = 'field_company_nid';
        $current_join->type = 'left';
        $view->query->add_relationship('current_company', $current_join, 'author_company');
        global $user;
        $view->query->where[1]['conditions'][] = array(
          'field' => 'current_company.entity_id',
          'value' => $user->uid,
          'operator' => '='
    1. Enable the module you just created.