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Powershell Out-File String with Double Quotes into Single Column CSV

I would like to know how to Out-File String with Double Quotes into Single Column CSV by using PowerShell.

This is the csv File I am using with this header:

Name | output 1 | output 2 | output 3  |

Here is the PowerShell code I currently have:

$name = 'Peter Parker'
$out1 = 'testing'
$out2 = -join('"',"21,22,23", '"');
$out3 = 'output'
$text = "$name, $out1, $out2, $out3"
Write-Output $text
$text | Out-File .\test.csv -Encoding ascii -Append
Get-Content -Path .\test.csv

What I am looking for the result is like this:

Name          | output 1 | output 2     | output 3  |
Peter Parker  | testing  | "21, 22, 23" | output    |

But instead I got this result for the current code:

Name          | output 1 | output 2 | output 3 |
Peter Parker  | testing  | "21      | 22       | 23"   | output  |

Is there anyway or work around to achieve my objective?



  • Why not letting Powershell do the work for you? Powershell is easily able to deal with structured data and csv files.

        Name = 'Peter Parker'
        out1 = 'testing'
        out2 = ('"', "21,22,23", '"') -join ''
        out3 = 'output'
    } |
        Export-Csv -Path .\test.csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ','

    Of course you can easily import this data again with:

    Import-Csv -Path .\test.csv -Delimiter ','

    and the result would be:

    Name         out1    out2       out3
    ----         ----    ----       ----
    Peter Parker testing "21,22,23" output

    You may keep in mind that Powershell is made for administrators - not software developers. It tries to make things easy for you. ;-)