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Horizontal v-card-title with ellipsis?

I'm using Vuetify 2.5 and trying to create horizontal cards as per the docs, creating a flex-box div to float the title and subtitle to the side of the avatar using d-flex flex-no-wrap.

I want overly long titles to be trunkated with ellipsis, but with the "horizontal mode" the div with the title and the subtitle extends outside the v-card, so the overflow directives don't apply until outside the v-card (or even not at all, since it looks like the title box has grown to accomodate the complete title):

Title overflowing in horizontal mode

If the d-flex is removed the ellipsing works correctly:

enter image description here

What am I missing about the v-card elements?.

Here's a codepen with the example.


  • This problem was referenced at Bugzilla and short explanation is here:

    Basically: flex items will refuse to shrink below their minimum intrinsic width, unless you explicitly specify "min-width" or "width" or "max-width" on them.

    So you can solve your problem by adding min-width: 0 to your second flex column.

    There's your modified codepen:

        <div class="d-flex flex-no-wrap">
            <v-img :src="src"></v-img>
          <div style="min-width: 0">
            <v-card-title class="headline">
              <div class="truncate">{{ title }}</div>
            <v-card-subtitle v-text="artist"></v-card-subtitle>

    Works at Chrome 88 and Firefox 86.