I am trying to collect random sample points from an area (polygons) to later cross-check information from these points in a raster. However, sometimes I need a high number of points. When I try to run my code, R returns an error.
I used this code, which worked great for small numbers.
#create a set of random point samples
r_sample <- spsample(my_shp, n= 212183, type='random')
#cross and extract raster information based on previously generated points
extrc <- raster::extract(my_raster, r_sample, small=T, na.rm=F) #extrair as quantidades de pixels
> r_sample <- spsample(controle, n= 212183 , type='random')
> Error: Unable to allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb
If it works for small numbers you can run it a couple of times
x <- lapply(1:10, function(i) spsample(controle, n= 21218 , type='random'))
And combine them like this:
y <- do.call(rbind, x)