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Thinger.IO endpoints return "rate limit reached" without any further explanation

I have a couple of IoT devices hosted on Thinger.IO and as part of their code execution from time to time they try to invoke endpoints. This basically is their way of letting you connect with your business back-end services and handle IoT devices events.

It basically looks something like this: enter image description here

as here at step 3 we make a reference to Thinger.IO's input resources. This basically lets your back-end to invoke functions on your IoT device. The issue that I am facing right now is related to step 2

My endpoints just stopped getting invoked. When I try to test the endpoint using their embedded client: enter image description here

I get an error which is saying: enter image description here

I don't really understand that. The last time an endpoint was invoked was on the 27th of February (5 days ago) and since then I've had my device completely turned off.

SIDE NOTE: The problem is not with my back-end because we can successfully invoke the endpoint using Postman.


  • Thee free cloud (community version) of has some rate limiters to throttle requests per user. However, it seems that you are not reaching those limits, so it should be a bug introduced in latest release 2.9.9 in Community Version. Will look into it. Thanks for reporting.

    Edit: It should be fixed now in 2.9.91 version. Consider using a private cloud instance if you are connecting a couple of devices ;)