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Difference Between mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss and offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram Events

I have an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz (Haswell) processor. AFAIK, mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss, counts the number of DRAM demand (i.e., non-prefetch) data read accesses. offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram, as its name suggests, counts the number of demand data reads targeted to DRAM. Therefore, these two events seem to be equivalent (or at least almost the same). But based on the following benchmarks the former event is much less frequent than the latter:

1) Initializing a 1000-Elment Global Array in a Loop in C:

Performance counter stats for '/home/ahmad/Simple Progs/loop':

         1,363      mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss                                   
         1,543      offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram                                   

   0.000749574 seconds time elapsed

   0.000778000 seconds user
   0.000000000 seconds sys

2) Opening a PDF Document in Evince:

Performance counter stats for '/opt/evince-3.28.4/bin/evince':

       936,152      mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss                                   
     1,853,998      offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram                                   

   4.346408203 seconds time elapsed

   1.644826000 seconds user
   0.103411000 seconds sys

3) Running Wireshark for 5 seconds:

Performance counter stats for 'wireshark':

     5,161,671      mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss                                   
     8,126,526      offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram                                   

  15.713828395 seconds time elapsed

   0.904280000 seconds user
   0.693906000 seconds sys

4) Running Blur Filter on an Image in Inkscape:

Performance counter stats for 'inkscape':

    13,852,121      mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss                                   
    23,475,970      offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram                                   

  25.355643897 seconds time elapsed

   7.244404000 seconds user
   1.019895000 seconds sys

In all four benchmarks, offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram is nearly twice as frequent as mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss. Is this reasonable? Why? Please, tell me if the benchmarks are too complicated and coarse-grained!


  • The following table shows the differences between these two events on Haswell to the best of my (current) knowledge:

    mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss offcore_response.demand _data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram
    Cacheable Retired Load Uops Per uop per line Y
    Cacheable Non-Retired Load Uops N Y
    Uncacheable WC Retired Load Uops One event per line N
    Uncacheable UC Retired Load Uops May occur N
    Uncacheable WC or UC Non-Retired Load Uops N N
    Locked Loads of any type to any memory type May occur I don't know
    Legacy IO requests May occur N
    L1D Prefetches N Y
    L2 Prefetches into L2 or L3 N N
    Software prefetches with no intention for write N Y
    Page Walk Loads N Y
    Servicing Unit Any Local DRAM
    Reliability May not be reliable Reliable

    It should be clear to you now that these events, in general, are not equivalent at all. Also comparing the counts of these two events to deduce something meaningful is not an easy task.

    In all of the examples you presented, the offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram event count is larger than the mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss event count. However, it's not hard to come up with real examples where the latter is larger than the former.

    In all four benchmarks, offcore_response.demand_data_rd.l3_miss.local_dram is nearly twice as frequent as mem_load_uops_retired.l3_miss. Is this reasonable?

    I think the description "nearly twice" really only applies to the second example, but not the others. I can't comment on the numbers you've shown without seeing the exact code and execution environment information.