Many other IDEs have a feature to run the code block your cursor is placed in. According to the docs, SAS EG has the following shortcut:
Run the selected code -> F3
But is there a shortcut for the following?
Run code block your cursor is placed in -> X
It's tedious to have to constantly reach for the mouse to click-drag-select, then hit F3.
Preemptive thank you from the laziest lizard on earth.
No, there is no shortcut (or way to create such a shortcut). SAS requires you to highlight it.
However, there are some options to make this easier. You can see the SAS EG documentation for some keyboard shortcuts; one option, for example, is to use code folding (Alt + numeric keypad hyphen) to collapse the current data step/proc step/macro, and then you can easily highlight that one line (with shift-end, as it places your cursor at the start of the line).
Also see this question and answer about SAS Enhanced Editor, which has the same basic solution, plus some other ideas.