Is there an Angular pipe which takes a String text, and lets user get an actual value?
String: {"ProductId": "1234", "ProductName": "Computer"}
Expected Pipe:
(item | pipe).productName
===> results in 'Computer'
(item | pipe).productId
===> results in 1234
This following pipe converts an object into json.
I need to convert string, and get a member value
I have not seen a pipe like the one you mean but it would probably be something like this if you did it yourself...:
Created this one and tested pretty great using the description data you provided.
name: 'jsonParse'
export class JsonParsePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string, ...args: unknown[]): any {
return JSON.parse(value);
In one of the components I had this defined as a member of the component class:
data = JSON.stringify({ ProductId: '1234', ProductName: 'Computer' });
and had the HTML like so:
<div>{{ (data| jsonParse).ProductId }}</div>
Im pretty sure you could spice it up with a bit of overloading to give it more functionality for future use...