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How to make popup menu from bottomnavigationbar in Flutter?

IM trying to achieve something like in this screenshot, which is, bottomnavbar swiching through pages but middle button launching bottom sheet or other action like popup menu and stay on that page... Home Tab


class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
  PersistentTabController _controller;

  void initState() {

    _controller = PersistentTabController(initialIndex: 0);
    _hideNavBar = false;

  List<Widget> _buildScreens() {
    return [

      AddPage(), // this need to be action button not new page...

  List<PersistentBottomNavBarItem> _navBarsItems() {
    return [
        icon: Icon(Icons.home),
        title: "Home",
        activeColor: Colors.purpleAccent,
        inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
        icon: Icon(Icons.add),
        title: ("Add"),
        activeColor: Colors.purpleAccent,
        inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
        icon: Icon(,
        title: ("MyAct"),
        activeColor: Colors.purpleAccent,
        inactiveColor: Colors.grey,
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: PersistentTabView.custom(
        controller: _controller,
        screens: _buildScreens(),
        confineInSafeArea: true,
        itemCount: 3,
        handleAndroidBackButtonPress: true,
        resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
        stateManagement: true,
        hideNavigationBar: _hideNavBar,
        screenTransitionAnimation: ScreenTransitionAnimation(
          animateTabTransition: true,
          curve: Curves.ease,
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
        customWidget: CustomNavBarWidget(
          items: _navBarsItems(),
          onItemSelected: (index) {

            setState(() {
              _controller.index = index; // THIS IS CRITICAL!! Don't miss it!
          selectedIndex: _controller.index,

IM using persistenNavBar, but I think with regular bottom navigation situation is the same... I guess I can make custom bottomnav bar, or List with different widget type?


  • You can use the


    from Flutter and set the arguments as following:

        shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12)), //for the round edges
        builder: (context) {
            return Container(
                //specify height, so that it does not fill the entire screen
                child: Column(children: []) //what you want to have inside, I suggest using a column
        context: context,
        isDismissible: //boolean if you want to be able to dismiss it
        isScrollControlled: //boolean if something does not display, try that

    Then you can just execute this function on BottomNavigationBar tap.