I am trying to implement an API class using wasm_bindgen
with asynchronous calls.
use std::future::Future;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture;
use js_sys::Promise;
use web_sys::{Request, RequestInit, RequestMode, Response};
use wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise;
use crate::fetch_example::*;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct API {
root: String,
impl API {
pub fn new(root: &str) -> Self {
Self {
root: root.to_string(),
pub fn getVersion(&self) -> Promise {
let url = format!("{}/version", self.root);
future_to_promise(async move {
_request_json(&url, "GET")
// other methods ...
// What is the correct returned type instead of Result<JsValue, JsValue> ???
async fn _request_json(url: &str, method: &str) -> Result<JsValue, JsValue> {
let mut opts = RequestInit::new();
let request = Request::new_with_str_and_init(&url, &opts)?;
request.headers().set("Accept", "application/json")?;
let window = web_sys::window().unwrap();
let resp_value = JsFuture::from(window.fetch_with_request(&request)).await?;
let resp: Response = resp_value.dyn_into().unwrap();
let json = JsFuture::from(resp.json()?).await?;
As it is seen, I took out the HTTP call into a separate private function _request_json
to avoid code duplication in different API methods (they are supposed to be several, not getVersion
I took the base example of an HTTP call from here: https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/examples/fetch.html
Also I found that asynchronous calls of struct methods should be implemented with the help of future_to_promise
: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/issues/1858
So the issue is with the returned type by _request_json
. I cannot guess it correctly.
When I compile the project I get the error:
type mismatch resolving `<impl std::future::Future as std::future::Future>::Output == std::result::Result<wasm_bindgen::JsValue, wasm_bindgen::JsValue>`
If I copy the body of _request_json
inside of future_to_promise
everything works fine.
What is the correct returned expression for _request_json
to make the code works?
This construction:
async move {
_request_json(&url, "GET")
has the type impl Future<Output = impl Future<Output = Result<JsValue, JsValue>>>
You can fix it like this:
future_to_promise(async move {
_request_json(&url, "GET").await
and probably also like this:
future_to_promise(_request_json(&url, "GET"))