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Add p-value column in qwraps::summary_table

I want to make a little summary table for my colleagues in R-Markdown using qwraps::summary_table. The data.frame contains information of different exposures. All the variables are coded as binary.


pop <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = 1, prob = runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1))
exp <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = 1, prob = .5)

ID <- c(1:500)
therapy <- factor(sample(x = pop, size = 500, replace = TRUE), labels = c("Control", "Intervention"))
exp_1 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_2 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_3 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_4 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)

df <- data.frame(ID, exp_1, exp_2, exp_3, exp_4, therapy)

In the next step, I create a simple summary table as follows. In the table I want to have the groups (control vs. intervention) as columns and the exposures as rows:

my_summary <-
  list(list("Exposure 1" = ~ n_perc(exp_1 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 2" = ~ n_perc(exp_2 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 3" = ~ n_perc(exp_3 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 4" = ~ n_perc(exp_4 %in% 1))

my_table <- summary_table(group_by(df, therapy), my_summary)

In the next step I wanted to add a further column containing p-values for the group differences between control and intervention group, e. g. with fisher.test. I read in ?qwraps::summary_table that cbind is a suitable method for class qwraps2_summary_table, but to be honest, I'm struggling with it. I tried different ways but failed, unfortunately.

Is there a convenient way to add individual columns via qwraps::summary_table especially p-values according to the grouped columns?

Thanks for your help!



  • [SOLVED] Meanwhile, after a lot of research on this topic, I found a convenient and easy way to add a p.values column. Maybe it is not the smartest solution, but worked, at least for me.

    First I calculated the p.values with a function, which extracts the p.values from the returned output of fisher.test and stored them in an object, in my case a simple numeric vector:

    # write function to extract fishers.test
    fisher.pvalue <- function(x) {
         value <- fisher.test(x)$p.value
    # fisher test/generate pvalues
    p.vals <- round(sapply(list(
      table(df$exp_1, df$therapy),
      table(df$exp_2, df$therapy),
      table(df$exp_3, df$therapy),
      table(df$exp_4, df$therapy)), fisher.pvalue), digits = 2)

    In the following step I simply added an empty table column called P-Values and added the p.vals to the column cells.

    overall_table <- cbind(my_table, "P-Value" = "") # create empty column
    overall_table[9:12] <- p.vals # add vals to empty column
    # overall_table <- cbind(my_table, "P-Value" = p.vals) works the same way in one line of code

    In my case, I simply looked for the corresponding cell indices in overall_table (for P-Values = 9:12) and filled them using base syntax. In the vignette of qwraps2 (, the author used regular expressions to identify the right cells (see section 3.2).

    If there are other methods to add individual columns to qwraps2::summary_table I would appreciate to see how it is possible.
