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Comparing objects inside a nested array - mongoDB

In my db I have a nested array of elements inside each document containing items, in the following form:

      "elem_id": 12,
      items: [ {"i_id": 1, "type": x}, {"i_id": 2, "type": y}, {"i_id": 3, "type": x}]
      "elem_id": 13,
      items: [ {"i_id": 4, "type": x}, {"i_id": 5, "type": x}]

I am trying to return all elements that have items of different types, meaning I would get back only:

      "elem_id": 12,
      items: [ {"i_id": 1, "type": x}, {"i_id": 2, "type": y}, {"i_id": 3, "type": x}]

since there are items of type x and of type y.

I think I need to iterate the items array and compare the type of every item in the array to the types of the previous items but I can't figure out how to do this in aggregation.

Just to note - I am using Redash and so I can't include any JS in the query.

Thank you for the assistance!


  • Try this:

        { $unwind: "$elements" },
            $addFields: {
                "count": { $size: "$elements.items" },
                "uniqueValues": {
                    $reduce: {
                        input: "$elements.items",
                        initialValue: [{ $arrayElemAt: ["$elements.items.type", 0] }],
                        in: {
                            $setUnion: ["$$value", ["$$this.type"]]
            $match: {
                $expr: {
                    $eq: ["$count", { $size: "$uniqueValues" }]


        "_id" : ObjectId("603f8f05bcece4372062bcea"),
        "elements" : {
            "elem_id" : 12,
            "items" : [
                    "i_id" : 1,
                    "type" : 1
                    "i_id" : 2,
                    "type" : 2
                    "i_id" : 3,
                    "type" : 3
        "count" : 3,
        "uniqueValues" : [1, 2, 3]