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How to detect if a web app is running in Electron

I'm trying to serve real react app on electron app. It doesn't mean I'm developing electron app with react. I've created a react app and injected it into electron app. (Like slack, it will serve as a web application and desktop application.) But I'm confused that send desktop notifications.

Now the main question is: How can I get the application type. I mean, is user using my app on web or on desktop. How can I get this?

Thank you :)


  • There are many ways to detect whether you are running in a desktop environment or not.

    You can check the User-Agent and you can set the userAgent value in Electron when you call loadURL.

    Another way is declaring a global variable using a preload script.

    // main process
    new BrowserWindow({
      webPreferences: {
        preload: "preload.js",
    // preload.js 
    // you don't need to use contextBridge if contextIsolation is false
    // but it's true by default in Electron 12
    const { contextBridge } = require("electron"); 
    contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("IN_DESKTOP_ENV", true);
    // renderer process (your React world)
    if (globalThis.IN_DESKTOP_ENV) {
      // do something...

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