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How to toggle Premiere Pro Scripts in Adobe CEP toggle Play / Pause of the current sequence?

I'm trying to control Adobe Premiere Pro remotely by using an Adobe CEP Panel and then interacting with a server using websockets. Everything works fine, however, I cannot find any API to play / pause the current sequence.

There is one available for the SourceMonitor ( but I want to play the sequence.

I also would like to control the lumetri color panel and the audio mixing faders. I cannot find any APIs for those either. Is there a better approach for doing that?

My backend is a NodeJS application by the way.


  • You can make it by using QE DOM manipulation on the JSX side. I recommend you checking this unofficial PPro CEP doc.

    There is a startPlayback() method. don't forget to call app.enableQE() before.

    Your code should look like this
