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converting json to turtle

I am looking for tools to convert json to turtle format.

For example:

    "name": "Bart Simpson",
    "age": "11"

to something like:

@base <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix people: <> .

<> people:name "Bart Simpson" ; 
             people:age "11" .

For me, the challenge is to identify what are the right steps to perform the conversion. It seems I need to define a vocabulary first, like the But it's unclear to me how to define the vocabulary.

Also, I am looking for tools to do this json2turtle conversion, with a given vocabulary.

I might have misunderstood the concept of linked data here. Please let me know if this question doesn't make sense.


  • With JARQL you can use SPARQL construct queries on JSON files and thus create RDF in any serialization (Turtle, RDF/XML, etc.) you would like.